What I Do Best

  • If you want to learn more about me, you’re in the right place. Creating balance is the key to wellness and freedom

Real Results

I really love what I do! When it comes to helping people and animals, I continue to be amazed of the body's ability to become corrected by simply releasing emotional energies and bringing the body back into balance. I've had many clients experience instantaneous relief from physical pains in as little as one session. Although every person is uniquely different, the results are a powerful witness that healing is taking place in an amazing non-invasive process.

Remotely and Globally

Everything is made of energy including our bodies and it has been proven along with science that there are no distance barriers with energy. Therefore I'm able to work with clients all over the world to help them with their health and wellness. The process works exactly the same as if i was working with them in person. The majority of my services to others have all been done at a distance (remotely) such as Germany, Australia, Denmark, India, various places in the US, and so on. Its truly a blessing to be able to reach so many all over the world and be a part of their healing and wellness journey.

Less Is More

As I have listened to my clients discuss their list of difficulties they have gone through, many have voiced on going struggles notwithstanding their continuous searches online for new information, multiple physicians/ visits, multiple medications, and other exhausted avenues only to find no real relief for them, a loved one, or a pet that needed healing. Yes, some of those avenues have their place, but it is my belief that our bodies are extraordinary healers of themselves if brought back into alignment and balance by releasing emotional baggage and those very energies that are contributing to the problems. Life can become stressful and overwhelming when we loose ourselves in so many directions to find help. Our body's subconscious holds all of the answers to these ongoing issues we are experiencing. Lets simplify the process, disconnect from the stress, and get to the root reasons so real healing occurs. This all happens by connecting with the subconscious, refining the body by releasing the emotional baggage and allowing the healing to take place naturally as it is designed to do. I'm not in the business of masking problems or applying a band-aid to an issue as I believe a lot of medications do to achieve quick comfort. I specialize in getting to the root cause, the root reasons, and not addressing the symptoms only. There is always a genesis issue that manifests the symptoms, whether it be emotional, psychological, mental, physical, or spiritual. Let me help you achieve the health, wellness, and abundance that you deserve.

Zoom Skype Messenger

Zoom, Skype, and Messenger are common ways I like to do sessions where we connect and talk face to face. I find it easier to discuss information much quicker as we work to resolve specific issues. It is a choice that has worked well with many individuals but is not required as other options are available.

Email Text Messenger

Other options I offer as a way to have a session are Email, communication through cellular texting, texting through Facebook Messenger, and phone calls. I have found that everyone is unique from where they are located, to whats available for them to communicate during a session if further information is needed. I remain flexible to these given options to accommodate a variety of circumstances. Being able to connect in the right way is an important first step to a successful session together.

Keeping Your Progress

At the end of each session, the information that was recorded and discussed from our time together will be sent to you for your personal records and reflection. Its nice to see not only what was found and corrected, but to also follow the progress and create self awareness of the positive changes with you or an animal we worked with.

I can help you...

Emotionally 100%
Psychologically 100%
Mentally 100%
Spiritually 100%
Physically 100%

Start Today